Save video online

More videos

Learn how to download videos from websites.

Have you ever wanted to download embedded videos on website so you can watch it later? Sometimes right click, “save as” just doesn’t work.

If that’s the case you need to go into the “back end” of the website and download the file through the code. Don’t worry, it’s not hard. Just watch the short video. Here’s a summary:

1. Use Google Chrome
2. Open the source code
3. Identify the video code
4. Open the video in a new page
5. View the source of the video
6. Download it!

Hope this helps!

I’ve also noticed that Vimeo doesn’t work quite the same way. If you can’t find the URLs, try this method:

1. Open the first video page, then VIEW – DEVELOPER – VIEW SOURCE.

2. CTRL and F to show find window, then look for “player.vimeo” and get the link that way. Make sure to copy the entire link from ” to “.

3. Then paste that in a new tab.


5. CTRL and F to show find, then look for “.mp4″ and get the link that way. Make sure to copy the entire link from ” to ” – go past the question mark

6. Paste into new tab.

7. Save as and you are done.

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