16 Upcoming DC Movies That Are Going To Blow Everyone Away

Tags: Avengers, Marvel

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The DC Extended Universe might be struggling to find some critical success, but its movies are still making a lot of money. And Warner Bros. has more than a dozen — 16, actually, for those keeping count — in various stages of development right now. So what do fans have to look forward to over the next five or so years? Let’s crack the cover and find out…

Wonder Woman | 0:18
Justice League | 0:56
Aquaman | 1:27
Shazam! | 1:59
Green Lantern Corps | 2:36
The Flash | 3:25
Cyborg | 4:09
The Batman | 4:46
Dark Universe | 5:31
Gotham City Sirens | 6:06
Justice League 2 | 6:46
Man of Steel 2 | 7:16
Suicide Squad 2 | 8:00
Deadshot | 8:31
Black Adam | 9:00
Lobo | 9:35


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